The LazyBoy SQL component acts like a medium via which a Java code can communicate with a Database. It assists in the execution of simple SQL statements like the following on single Tables:
1. Insert.
2. Select.
3. Update.
4. Delete.
Currently, it has been configured for MySQL, MS SQL and Oracle.
This component is designed so as to facilitate the execution of simple SQL statements currently and is not in the league of other powerful components like Hibernate. It is an attempt to avoid the coding of the Database layer in projects or applications where complicated SQL statements are not involved.
Let me know your feedback. You can download the JAR, Documentation and Examples from the following location:
LazyBoy SQL v1.0
Known Issues and Limitations:
1. The LazyBoy SQL component attempts to minimize the Development with respect to communications with the Database. However, it does not cover all types of simple or complex SQL Statements / Queries.
2. It carries out functions like Insert, Select, Update and Delete only.
3. It carries out functions on single Database Tables for an operation and not multiple Database Tables.
4. The Where clause supports comparisons on the basis of Equality only and not other expressions like Less Than, Greater Than, Not Equal To, etc.
5. The LazyBoy SQL component is dependent on the Conversion Box component when Maps and Java Objects are involved. Thus, the issues and limitations in the Conversion Box will be a factor in LazyBoy SQL for these scenarios.